I'd rather be angry

ok... so being brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous sounded good on Sat, but today it sounds like crap!

my daughter has decided to apply to private schools, and I have to tell you I'm sickened by the craziness of a culture that even sells education!!!! "Give me $30,000 a year and I will give your kid a great education!" Meanwhile, all the rest of y'all just fight it out - if you're lucky enough to have a stimulating home and a bright kid who gets along socially and you live in a wealthy suburb, your school is good. If you happen to be in an urban environment and can't afford much, too bad.

How am I going to be able to live with THIS?!

It just keeps getting more challenging to feel a sense of integrity and self-cohesion!

oh, did I mention we're getting cable and a wide-screen TV for Christmas! what other fundamental compromises are left to make?


Anonymous said…
Hi, there, I just found your blog. I am from Boston. The price of school today is nuts. I think certain things should be free: food, shelter, education.

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