heads up, shooting stars
Well, August has been a blogger's wash - no time to blog. I've either been teaching or out of town. Not that I'm complaining - being away was really good. And teaching is real work. But I do want to keep at this. Not that I understand why... is this a diary? a chance to put myself out to the world? a chance to play with seeing/being seen/concealment/revelation?
I have no idea if this blog is ever read by anyone except me and a few friends - is that enough? It's not like I'm saying anything profound, yet something is being expressed/explored/elicited here... I honestly don't understand it fully.
Still, I like the idea of documenting my little insignificant life, and I do amuse myself!
Speaking of amusements, I've started knitting again. It's hard to say how much time I will actually devote to it, as it's not like I have a whole lot of disposable time on my hands - but at one time I was quite a knitter. I enjoyed it and made a lot of things! As for now, I decided on a whim, to make a pair of socks! My mother-in-law made a pair for the kids once and I loved them, and have always wanted to make a pair. Then at family camp I saw one of the counselors making socks and I became totally inspired! I had never worked with double-pointed needles before, and I was psyched! I bought a skein of yarn at a local yarn store in Belfast, ME (a great little town) - the store was called Heavenly Socks Yarn
although all I saw was the "Yarns" sign. And it's been really fun. Of course, I got to the heel, and couldn't make heads or tails out of the pattern... so I hopped on-line and found Silver's Sock class - it was perfect!! Just what I need, and now I'm almost to the toe!! I'll maybe take a pic of it when I'm done... although, it's a bit cheezy isn't it.
I also made a basket while I was at camp - it looks just like this...
Apparently, you can buy kits and supplies for basketmaking at jb-designs look for the napkin holder basket!
I tell you, joke all you want about basketweaving and psychiatric rehabilitation, I was coming into my own!
I even wrote several haikus - some on the theme of "shooting stars" (there's always a haiku slam at the end of camp, and there's a theme, and...) and some on just being
streaming through the sky
please let me remember this
shooting stars at night
star sightings so sweet
mosquitoes think us sweet too
scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, ooh
embarrassing itch
it's the mosquitoes, honest
let's shoot them not stars
lingering sweet light
is each star's death our pleasure
streaming across the sky
amused by haikus
I could do this all day long
basketweaving too!
you gave us a base
over, under, start again
basket therapy
no garden at home
children grow like weeds instead
camp becomes yardstick
relearn gratitude
sit still, play scrabble, eat smores
heads up, shooting starts
I have no idea if this blog is ever read by anyone except me and a few friends - is that enough? It's not like I'm saying anything profound, yet something is being expressed/explored/elicited here... I honestly don't understand it fully.
Still, I like the idea of documenting my little insignificant life, and I do amuse myself!
Speaking of amusements, I've started knitting again. It's hard to say how much time I will actually devote to it, as it's not like I have a whole lot of disposable time on my hands - but at one time I was quite a knitter. I enjoyed it and made a lot of things! As for now, I decided on a whim, to make a pair of socks! My mother-in-law made a pair for the kids once and I loved them, and have always wanted to make a pair. Then at family camp I saw one of the counselors making socks and I became totally inspired! I had never worked with double-pointed needles before, and I was psyched! I bought a skein of yarn at a local yarn store in Belfast, ME (a great little town) - the store was called Heavenly Socks Yarn

I also made a basket while I was at camp - it looks just like this...

I tell you, joke all you want about basketweaving and psychiatric rehabilitation, I was coming into my own!
I even wrote several haikus - some on the theme of "shooting stars" (there's always a haiku slam at the end of camp, and there's a theme, and...) and some on just being
streaming through the sky
please let me remember this
shooting stars at night
star sightings so sweet
mosquitoes think us sweet too
scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, ooh
embarrassing itch
it's the mosquitoes, honest
let's shoot them not stars
lingering sweet light
is each star's death our pleasure
streaming across the sky
amused by haikus
I could do this all day long
basketweaving too!
you gave us a base
over, under, start again
basket therapy
no garden at home
children grow like weeds instead
camp becomes yardstick
relearn gratitude
sit still, play scrabble, eat smores
heads up, shooting starts