moving on
I know yesterday's post was self-indulgent and pitiful... but I needed to say it!
I ended up spending the rest of the day doing laundry and working on papers. And overall it was a productive day. I just needed to get my woefulness off of my chest!
Only 7 more papers - GLORY HALLELUIA!
I'm still waiting to hear from one of my committee members (I've been waiting 28 days!) - so I sent her an email asking her about my external examiner... no word yet. (sigh)
I've been thinking about posting my "2 page description of self" here... it's a silly piece, but either way it was good to write.
I ran into a mom from my book group at a talk on "Encouraging healthy behavior in teens: What parents need to know about peers, pressure, and substance abuse" last night, and she reminded me that she is painting and drawing every day as part of The Artist's Way. It made me want to find a way to really be more conscientious about this arts practice, and it made me want to get going on being a more positive force in my community - thank you Britt Bravo!!!!
The talk last night was not very inspiring... gosh, if I had really read the title I might not have gone... too much focus on the slutty, druggy things kids are doing these days - as if that's really news. My question was how to we help kids see that there are many ways to be "normal." The pressure to be "popular" among the girls in particular is all about defining oneself against a larger cultural backdrop that is pretty uni-dimensional. There are a lot of average kids, just doing their thing, that should be celebrated! Look here are the regular kids of Belmont High! I want to do a podcast of the "little guy" - here is how these kids are surviving adolescents! Here's what they do to survive and sometimes even thrive...
Came across the website for "The Mirror Project" - done in 2001 -
Teen social documentaries -
The primary focus of The Mirror Project is to teach inner-city youth in the Greater Boston area all aspects of documentary video production. Through an intensive, hands-on curriculum based on experiential learning in their homes and neighborhoods, we mentor students through a process of self-discovery and self-representation. Student producers learn camera operation, picture composition, natural lighting and sound. They identify their main subjects, videotape them, their friends, families and neighborhoods. We provide an opportunity for them to explore their creative vision both behind and in front of the camera. Student producers, and Mirror Project staff, edit the footage to create a finished documentary.
Sounds cool... but too big. I was trying to find something on the Watertown community project where they videotaped folks at their yearly arts fair - "Faire on the Square" - but couldn't. I will try to find out more today.
I ended up spending the rest of the day doing laundry and working on papers. And overall it was a productive day. I just needed to get my woefulness off of my chest!
Only 7 more papers - GLORY HALLELUIA!
I'm still waiting to hear from one of my committee members (I've been waiting 28 days!) - so I sent her an email asking her about my external examiner... no word yet. (sigh)
I've been thinking about posting my "2 page description of self" here... it's a silly piece, but either way it was good to write.
I ran into a mom from my book group at a talk on "Encouraging healthy behavior in teens: What parents need to know about peers, pressure, and substance abuse" last night, and she reminded me that she is painting and drawing every day as part of The Artist's Way. It made me want to find a way to really be more conscientious about this arts practice, and it made me want to get going on being a more positive force in my community - thank you Britt Bravo!!!!
The talk last night was not very inspiring... gosh, if I had really read the title I might not have gone... too much focus on the slutty, druggy things kids are doing these days - as if that's really news. My question was how to we help kids see that there are many ways to be "normal." The pressure to be "popular" among the girls in particular is all about defining oneself against a larger cultural backdrop that is pretty uni-dimensional. There are a lot of average kids, just doing their thing, that should be celebrated! Look here are the regular kids of Belmont High! I want to do a podcast of the "little guy" - here is how these kids are surviving adolescents! Here's what they do to survive and sometimes even thrive...
Came across the website for "The Mirror Project" - done in 2001 -
Teen social documentaries -
The primary focus of The Mirror Project is to teach inner-city youth in the Greater Boston area all aspects of documentary video production. Through an intensive, hands-on curriculum based on experiential learning in their homes and neighborhoods, we mentor students through a process of self-discovery and self-representation. Student producers learn camera operation, picture composition, natural lighting and sound. They identify their main subjects, videotape them, their friends, families and neighborhoods. We provide an opportunity for them to explore their creative vision both behind and in front of the camera. Student producers, and Mirror Project staff, edit the footage to create a finished documentary.
Sounds cool... but too big. I was trying to find something on the Watertown community project where they videotaped folks at their yearly arts fair - "Faire on the Square" - but couldn't. I will try to find out more today.